Pecha Kucha Night Beijing 2008.12.13


Pecha Kucha Beijing Volume No. 38

Saturday, 13th of December 2008, 4-7pm
at SONG Music Bar& Kitchen/ The Place
B108, The Place, 9 Guanghua Lu
Phone: 6587-1311

Join us for Pecha Kucha Beijing’s final edition in 2008 at Song Music Bar&Kitchen. We are ready to serve you yet another great afternoon with only one purpose: to make you wiser than you already are!

The line up of Volume 38 includes widely acknowledged specialists such as:

Gong Dong, Designer, Architect
Song Yang, Artist
Min-Tse Chen, Artist
Ryan Newman, Architect/Designer
Varvara Shavrova, Artist
Zhang Ke, Architect
Vinny Ng, Educationalist
Zhao Yang, Architect
Samantha Culp, RMB City
Dong Hao, Architect

Pecha Kucha Night, devised by Astrid Klein and Mark Dytham (Klein Dytham architecture), was conceived in 2003 as a place for young designers to meet, network and show their work in public. Only five years later, Pecha Kucha Night has spread virally already to 155 cities across the world.

The principles for each Pecha Kucha are the same: The speakers are allowed to showcase 20 images, each shown for 20 seconds – giving a total presentation time of 6 minutes and 40 seconds of fame before the next presenter is up. This keeps the presentations concise and the interest level up – more people have the chance to show their work.

Pecha Kucha Night in Beijing is founded and organised by Sebastian Linack, Florian Pucher, Miriam Deller and Alessandra Henderson.

Pecha Kucha Beijing Volume No. 38 is supported by SONG Music Bar&Kitchen and will be held on Saturday, 13h of December 2008, 4-7pm.

Additional thanks to: Element Fresh, HUSA Hotels

Information about the venue:

Location: Song Music Bar / Kitchen

Pecha Kucha 之夜/北京,場次038

地點:頌 (Song at The Place),朝陽區光華路9號世貿天階 B108,電話6587-1311

Gong Dong,建築師
Song Yang,藝術家
Ryan Newman,建築師
Varvara Shavrova,藝術家
Zhang Ke,建築師
Vinny Ng,教育家
Zhao Yang,建築師
Samantha Culp,項目經理
Dong Hao,建築師

Pechakucha 是世界範圍及地區性的非營利討論平台,已在全球15個城市開展活動。來自不同領域的專家和創意人將向您展示20張照片並在6分40秒之內向您解釋他們的作品。其宗旨為:使您變得比現在更具智慧。

不必與雜誌編輯熱絡就能便利地,非正式地展示創造性工作的論壇的需求。這種需求看來是全球性的—正如 Pecha-Kucha 之無需任何推廣,已經自動傳播到世界各地的十多個城市。

正如我們所知,把麥克風交給設計師(尤其是一個建築師),你就會陷入滔滔不絕之中。Pecha Kucha的關鍵就在於保證避免如此結局的特創制度。每個演講者只能演示20張圖片,每張圖片只有20秒闡述時間—演講之前就確定了6分40秒的框架,從而在保證演講的精准簡潔,提高趣味的同時,給更多人展示機會。

Astrid Klein 和 Mark Dytham 發起 Pechakucha 之夜的最初設想是為年輕的設計師們提供一個聚會,社交和向公眾展示他們的工作的地方。(也必須坦承,這也是為了在禮拜中景氣低滯的時候吸引更多人訪問 SuperDeluxe—他們在東京的多媒體活動空間)


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